Monday, March 19, 2012

Is the End of Ethnic Human Musicians Coming? Robot plays the violin and trumpet in Japan.

Minivans, SUV's, Sedans- They're not enough for Toyota Motor Corp.  In 2004 Japan's Toyota came up with the robot that could play the trumpet.  In December 2007, Toyota  unveiled the world's first robot violinist, Robina. This five-foot tall (152 centimetre), transformer-like robot debut and performed an interpretation of Elgar's Pomp and Circus infront of a crowd of reporters and guests.  The robot has 17 computer-operated parts to it allowing it to bow and operate the fingers like a human violinist would.  This is the first robotic violinist ever built and the audiences were suspended in awe as the humanoid gave it's short recital.  The robot demonstrated perfect intonation, bow speed, bow control and even a vibrato.  「It is announced that this robot will in operation for the public in 2010. 」 cited (L.A. Times)
Toyota is one of many Japanese companies currently trying to investigating to make robots with artificial intelligence.  

McDonald is selling: Ramen? Why in America of all places?

Recently announced on RocketNews24: McDonalds America will sell Japanese style Ramen noodles at its participating stores in Hawaii. 
    Yes, really.  Asian food from Mcdonalds, next thing you know, Mcdonalds will be selling sushi, chow mein, and bibimbap.
   The shocking part of this news is the fact that it's debut of ramen noodles is in the USA.  Why? I don't know, but ramen like all Asian food is a pretty trendy cuisine in Hawaii.  For just $3.29, it's a steal and an amusing change from the regular stodgy, lackluster hamburger.

First Post-Japanese, obsessed with having their nose straighten, creates a device to make it ''Perfect''

AHHHH!  First post on my blog.  Welcome to Kikaching888's official blog!  If you enjoy my crappy Youtube videos, please follow me here on my blog.  I'm going to put some odd news about Asia, Canada and the USA.  I think I've seen many un-inspirational first posts... where it's nothing but a description saying it's a first post, but I'll add something funny to this too then.

Now, everyone wants to look perfect like those models on VOGUE magazines, don't they?  But isn't it crazy what people come up with to help perfect their faces?  Well in Japan, having a perfect nose is definite   fashion-mania, which has somehow adopted to the rest of Asia.  Unfortunately, this has pressured little Asian girls  to have perfect noses, and making themselves think that their own nose are butt-ugly.  Well what do we do with this society of odd fashion?  Well you got get plastic surgery or, you get this new Japanese product which apparently straightens your nose and makes it ''less'' horrendous...  Does it work?  I don't know, Japanese people cannot stop, and will not stop to come up with new innovations that are just hilariously mind-boggling.