Monday, March 19, 2012

McDonald is selling: Ramen? Why in America of all places?

Recently announced on RocketNews24: McDonalds America will sell Japanese style Ramen noodles at its participating stores in Hawaii. 
    Yes, really.  Asian food from Mcdonalds, next thing you know, Mcdonalds will be selling sushi, chow mein, and bibimbap.
   The shocking part of this news is the fact that it's debut of ramen noodles is in the USA.  Why? I don't know, but ramen like all Asian food is a pretty trendy cuisine in Hawaii.  For just $3.29, it's a steal and an amusing change from the regular stodgy, lackluster hamburger.

 Ramen is a popular food eaten throughout East and Southeast Asia.  Originally invented in China, it spread across the Japan and the rest of Asia.  The original name ''ramen'' which is derived from the Chinese word ''la mien'' (拉麺). Wikipedia says it could be derived from the word lao-mien (撈麵) but I highly doubt it.  It's usually consists of wheat noodles in a soup base that ranges from miso soup to a kimchi base soup and it's topped with different kinds of meat, seafood, vegetables etc.  But damn, if you've ever seen the ridiculous things that Japan has been doing with their ramen like mixing soft serve ice cream into the ramen.  Ew? I don't know. Anyhow, let's just say Ramen is ubiquitous in Asia, and especially in Japan which it's known as ''College Food.''

Back to Ramen in America---

According to the reporter who tried this ''ramen,'' it stacks up pretty well.  Noodles are thick similar to Udon, but not as thick and their is none of that nasty smell that you get with cheap noodles. The soup is clear and simple and it's topped with fishcake, shredded egg and toasted nori.

Overall, the reporter says, it's not bad.  Go try it out.

Source of my info-go-mation: Rocketnews24

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