Monday, March 19, 2012

Is the End of Ethnic Human Musicians Coming? Robot plays the violin and trumpet in Japan.

Minivans, SUV's, Sedans- They're not enough for Toyota Motor Corp.  In 2004 Japan's Toyota came up with the robot that could play the trumpet.  In December 2007, Toyota  unveiled the world's first robot violinist, Robina. This five-foot tall (152 centimetre), transformer-like robot debut and performed an interpretation of Elgar's Pomp and Circus infront of a crowd of reporters and guests.  The robot has 17 computer-operated parts to it allowing it to bow and operate the fingers like a human violinist would.  This is the first robotic violinist ever built and the audiences were suspended in awe as the humanoid gave it's short recital.  The robot demonstrated perfect intonation, bow speed, bow control and even a vibrato.  「It is announced that this robot will in operation for the public in 2010. 」 cited (L.A. Times)
Toyota is one of many Japanese companies currently trying to investigating to make robots with artificial intelligence.  

What's the point of creating these artificial musical robots?

Well let's say it's an abomination of hard-working, life-scrounging human musicians...
However, according to President Katsuaki Watanabe of Toyota Motor Corp. he states that, "We (Toyota Motor Corp.) want to create robots that are useful for people in everyday life," in Tokyo.  He even mentioned that Toyota's core business while be on these human like robots doing human stuff.

      So will robots with artificial intelligence eventually phase out the need of true human musicians who train hard and long?  Well, if you view the video below of the performance, obviously, it sounds very robotic and uninspired, but Toyota says that it is working on improving its intelligence and flexibility of the robot.  Eventually it might adapt humanistic traits such as vibrato variations, bow pressure etc. after building sensors, more chips, computers etc.Imagine Paganini, arguably named as the composer who writes the most devilishly-difficult pieces for the violin, being perfectly played on the violin, by a robot.  What is the point of performing Paganini anymore?  

    Personally, I highly doubt that human musicians will be phased out with robot musicians any time soon.  Some say that the robot lacks emotional content.  It's cool to see, exhilarating, however, it is worrisome, especially since I'm a germinating musicians who has just entered the field of music studies, what is the future of the violin?  Can or will technology replace humanistic arts?  Sometimes, it seems that the features of an iPhone is more fascinating than the features of a totem pole, but for me, I stay true to myself and be fascinated by both.

According to the latest 2010 Shanghai Expo show, the robot violinist was suppose to be in production by now.  It's 2012, and we're still all waiting aren't we?

What do you think, is Toyota crazy?  Can we outsmart them? Would you let them?  Leave a comment below.

Be sure to check out my Youtube channel for Crazy videos that I do! Kikaching888' Youtube Channel

Video below:

President Katsuaki Watanabe and the freaky robots.

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